This just happened to me five minutes ago when Emeli Sande "Breaking the law" came on. I stopeed everything, went to spotify and listened to the whole album. After realizing I starred three songs in a row, I instantly went to itunes to purchase the album.
Emeli Sande is very similar to another one of my fairly recent new loves- Elle Varner. (I've played this album constantly since November). Her voice is amazing and her music has such a groove to it; I just love it!
Local Natives is also a new favorite and constant play as of late. My favorite is You and I, but the whole album is amazing.
Those are a couple of my recent finds--but I've had a bunch of recent loves of people pretty established already.
- Pink's new album is incredible. When my friend suggested I give it a listen, I scoffed out of habit. Now I play it straight at least once a day--Beam me Up is my favorite just because everything about it is beautiful.
- "Ass, Ass, Ass, Ass" has been my go-to chant for a couple of months now...but it's only been recently that I checked out Big Sean's album and I"m pretty impressed. It doesn't really sound like any other rap/r&b album out least any that I can think of; but its pretty flawless start to finish.
- The same goes for Trey Songz. He kind of snuck up on me after I realized I purchased most of the album as singles already. It's just so damn catchy. A great listen when you just want some beats while you relax or study.
- Young the Giant came up on my "The Nationals" playlist (another great new band I love). This album is on constant rotation on my spotify, its great!
- The Like is another recent find that I thought were new. Come to find out this album is from 2011. It's really great...hopefully it means they'll release new music soon also.
- I'm also embarrassed by how long it took me to get into Alabama Shakes. I have corrected that wrong, listening to "Hold on" at least once a day.
I could talk about music all day if you'd let me; which is why I'll stop here. Check me out on spotify though if you're interested in some of my other favorites! I also LOVE music suggestions- I like pretty much everything EXCEPT techno, so let me know your favorites!!
My links of the day:
- Anything on this website: I can literally spend a day reading all of the articles (and by literally I mean, I've done far).
Title comes from ZZ ward- 365 days