Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Don't tell lies in heaven or an angel will get mean

One of the greatest feelings in the world is discovering new and amazing music. It doesn't have to be recent, just new to you. You're listening to your pandora or radio as background music, and suddenly a song comes on that makes you stop everything and just listen to it. That has happened to me ALOT recently. There is always a correlation between the hours I spend a day studying, and the amount of itunes purchases I make in a day because of this very situation.

This just happened to me five minutes ago when Emeli Sande "Breaking the law" came on. I stopeed everything, went to spotify and listened to the whole album. After realizing I starred three songs in a row, I instantly went to itunes to purchase the album.
A couple of my favorites: Suitcase, Hope, Heaven...everything is actually amazing.

Emeli Sande is very similar to another one of my fairly recent new loves- Elle Varner. (I've played this album constantly since November). Her voice is amazing and her music has such a groove to it; I just love it!

Local Natives is also a new favorite and constant play as of late.  My favorite is You and I, but the whole album is amazing.

Those are a couple of my recent finds--but I've had a bunch of recent loves of people pretty established already.  
  • Pink's new album is incredible. When my friend suggested I give it a listen, I scoffed out of habit. Now I play it straight at least once a day--Beam me Up is my favorite just because everything about it is beautiful. 
  • "Ass, Ass, Ass, Ass" has been my go-to chant for a couple of months now...but it's only been recently that I checked out Big Sean's album and I"m pretty impressed. It doesn't really sound like any other rap/r&b album out least any that I can think of; but its pretty flawless start to finish.
  • The same goes for Trey Songz. He kind of snuck up on me after I realized I purchased most of the album as singles already. It's just so damn catchy. A great listen when you just want some beats while you relax or study.
  • Young the Giant came up on my "The Nationals" playlist (another great new band I love). This album is on constant rotation on my spotify, its great!
  • The Like is another recent find that I thought were new. Come to find out this album is from 2011. It's really great...hopefully it means they'll release new music soon also.
  • I'm also embarrassed by how long it took me to get into Alabama Shakes. I have corrected that wrong, listening to "Hold on" at least once a day.

I could talk about music all day if you'd let me; which is why I'll stop here. Check me out on spotify though if you're interested in some of my other favorites! I also LOVE music suggestions- I like pretty much everything EXCEPT techno, so let me know your favorites!! 
My links of the day:

Title comes from ZZ ward- 365 days


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

"If at some point we all succumb, For goodness sake let us be young. Because time gets harder to outrun, And I'm nobody, I'm not done"

IT'S MARCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why so many exclamations points you ask? Because some body (ME) is excited that summer is almost here! Summer, ahh, it's all I've been able to think of lately. All I want to do is sit in central park with a good book, laughing with my friends; or exploring williamsburg during the day, and roof top bars and outdoor concerts and music festivals. I.Can't.Wait.

Take a look at the firefly music festival line up, June 21st to 23rd. It looks like a dream line up (if you have spotify {which you should} search for the firefly playlist and have your day instantly be transformed into an awesome one). Buttttt wait, therreeeessss more: Governors Ball June 7-9. Granted, the line ups overlap a bit--but theres nothing wrong with seeing awesome twice in one month! Amirite?

But day by day, Cherie, day by day. March has got some good times coming up:


  • Girls night in----
    • if you haven't been able to  tell yet, my friendships mean everything to me. This month two of my solid groups of friends have made it a priority to have a night of just sitting together with good wine, good food, and lots of laughter. It's what I'm looking forward to the most this month.
  • March 16th: St. Patricks day!
    • I know, at 25 I'm supposed to be more mature than being excited to day drink and cheer and run around the city like a mess. But dammit, I spend 5-6 days a week studying my butt off and making responsible decisions...I'm allowed to be excited to take this one day off!
    • in case you haven't watched it yet today:
  • March 26th...this is a big one
    • 2nd: I'm seeing Breakfast at tiffanys on broadway. It's one of my favorite movies so I'm excited to see how it translates.
  • March 28th: Taylor Swift Concert
Also included is my spring break, in which I will be doing the all too exciting thing of sleeping without setting an alarm and having 0 cares for 7 days. It will be glorious.

So for now, I guess these are a few of my favorite thinggggssss
(really surprised it's taken me this long to do that)